Thursday, September 17, 2009

It looks worse then it is!

So my car is going to cost $1800 to fix...the timing chain is gone amoung other things. So lets focus on something else. The above image is another angle (much wider) of the shot from last night. I really like how the sky dwarfs the old barn, it feels vast to me. I want to take a night shot of this barn at some point, but I'll have to sneak into the field at night to get a little closer...not sure if that'll be legal or not so for now I'll just envision it. This shot I did a number of adjustment layers to the sky the field and one to the barn to just lighten it up slightly.

I apologize for the below image to those who don't like it. I always take shots of injuries to my self and my family. Not sure why, guess I'm just a little bit creepy. I don't know why I made the image black and white except for the cut, but as with usual I just played with the image until it felt right. It seems to be bugging Logan a little less today so I think he's on the mend. I'm out, so try to have a good one, and I will too.


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