Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Do you ever feel like you are sinking? It's a strange starts with your feet, they're too heavy to lift. It's like a few pounds of mud caked on each foot. Anyone who played in a construction site as a kid knows what I'm talking about, sometimes you even have to leave a boot behind cuz it's too heavy to pull free. Next it's your legs, the start to feel like jelly. Eventually your arms even feel the pull, the weight on your shoulders isn't coming from above, it's because you are being pulled down. It starts to get hard to breath, as though there is a weight on your chest.
I know that feeling (obviously, lol) and I'm sending out this lifering to pull you to safety. Keep your head above water and keep trying to pull free.
Please don't take the stuff I say here too seriously. I'm not sure yet if my mood reflects the pictures I post, or they reflect what I'm feeling...I suspect it's a little of both. But mostly it's just talk, let's some feeling out, getting them off my chest so to speak. The whole thing is rather cathartic (sp check?) and really helps clear the head, so don't worry to much about me if you read something dark in what I'm saying.
As for the shot, I didn't do a whole lot to it. I desaturated the clouds a bit, they looked a little too blue first thing in the morning. I added some contrast and a masked curves layer to make the clouds a littlemore dramatic. Also did a quick rotate cuz apparently I was standing a little off keel.


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