Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rural Paradise

It's been a rough week so far...and we're only at Wednesday...Logan has finally started to react to the stiches in his wrist, and is not liking the sensation. He's been quite crabby as the pain starts to wear on him. My car is acting up, so I'm taking it in to the shop first thing tommorow. Anyone know what a new fuel Pump costs? I bet it's not cheap.

But hey, things gotta start looking up, right? Eventually the clouds clear and what you are left with can be magnificent. For those that don't know, I live in a somewhat rural area outside the city. There is a lot of farmland surrounding my little town, and I love it. First off it's clear air, you can breath up here. I never knew how blue the sky could get or how bright the stars could be until I moved here. I thought a couple of shots to focus on that aspect of my life would be cool. The shot of the old barn I took on my way in to work today. The clouds were kind of wierd, in that they only seemed to be sitting directly over this field, which I guess somewhat reflected my mood today. I have another wider shot where you can see the blue sky just off to the north. I may post it another time. Both of these images were somewhat tricky to work with. I'm not really happy with the sky in either shot, I think both were kind of back lit, which is really problematic. Overall though I like the shots, they make me think of home. Maybe good times are just around the corner. Let's hope :)



  1. Nick and I hope to join the ranks who enjoy the 'open air'. Your photographs remind me how much I really do yearn for wide open spaces.

  2. Oh! and I do recommend a blog to follow: Lots of cool photography tricks to try, and the author's got a great sense of humour. I'm gonna try to make a 'portable light studio' for taking better pictures of my jewelry.
