Sunday, September 13, 2009


Finally the weekend is here. It's been a long week, and I'm looking forward to it. I get to sleep in, to chill with my boys...and clean...well, 2 out of 3 isn't too bad right? We have a big fall cleaning that we need to accomplish today, get us caught up on all the summer stuff that we let slide cuz we were busy living life. But it's still morning and before I got going I figured I had a bit of time to play with some more pictures :)

I thought over last weekend I would give some night photography a shot. I always wanted to try but didn't have the right equipment until now. I just picked up a remote shutter release which made it a lot easier. Now I just need a stop watch. Night shots are very time consuming. Shutter times on these two shots were 56 seconds and 20 seconds. I'm not entirely happy with the shots, but they are by far better then any other night shots I've taken. I like how bright the big dipper came out in the first picture, and the ghostly effect of the dock is just cool (you are going to have to click on the shots to enlarge them to really see the detail). I wish I could have got the angle right on that one so that I had more in focus in the shot. As it is it's one small area of the dock, and the moon's reflection in the water. I didn't really add anything to the bottom shot. The big dipper shot at the top was saturated and had contrast added to bring out more blue in the sky, while I masked the treeline to preserve the look of them without them getting too dark. I'm going to try again soon I think, just have to find a darker place to shoot, and maybe someone to come with so It's not so damn creepy standing alone in the dark counting seconds and stars.


1 comment:

  1. I love how you captured the Big Dipper, and the horizon gives a feeling of 'grounding' the stars, like you can reach out and pluck one from the sky.

    And the angle of the dock is almost surreal, like the artpiece with all the upside-down stairs. The moon is very ghostly, like the light originates underwater. And is that a star in the water, too??

    I love how you've 'captured the stars', and I'm very happy to hear that l'il tuff guy Logan is doing well! He remains true to his namesake in bravery!
